Typically appearing on the legs, thread veins affect up to 88% of women and 79% of men.
Read MoreThe dreaded appearance of cellulite on the thighs, hips and buttocks is a confidence knock to many women but there are ways to reduce its appearance.
Read MoreDark circles and sunken eyes can appear due to a number of factors. Here are eight things other than lack of sleep that can make your eyes look tired.
Read MoreNeglected décolleté are prone to wrinkling on the upper chest and in the crease of the cleavage, brown spots, thinning skin and redness.
Read MoreAgeing takes a toll on your eye area and leaves us with droopy, puffy eyes but there are multiple ways to reduce their appearance.
Read MoreCrow's feet are a side effect of ageing and will leave you looking and feeling older, but there are treatments to reduce them.
Read MoreFacial laxity and skin sagging happens when we age and takes its toll on your overall appearance when you look in the mirror.
Read MoreFrown lines appear as two deep furrows nestled between the eyebrows or horizontal lines straight across the forehead.
Read MoreLip wrinkles are caused by a variety of factors, including age, genetics, repetitive lifestyle habits and smoking.
Read MorePigmentation issues develop mostly on the face as patches of darkened skin due to age, pregnancy or too much sun.
Read MoreMost scars will fade and become paler over time, although they never completely disappear, which can greatly affect your confidence.
Read MoreStretch marks can occur anywhere where the skin has been stretched, but they usually affect areas where fat is stored.
Read MoreLess shapely and thinning lips are a side effect of ageing and are usually more noticeable if you are a smoker or have spent a lot of time in the sun.
Read MoreThe difference between a young face and an old face is volume loss leading to hollow cheeks, laughter lines and circles under the eyes.
Read MoreAs a skin expert, I have treatments to help your skin look more youthful, radiant and glowing. See ya later, Instagram filter!
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